This year Valentines was amazing. Saturday night we had a yummy dinner as a family and decorated sugar cookies. Randall and I celebrated our Valentines on Monday. Randall gave me a day at the spa. I got a massage, facial and pediure and then we went to a Flemings for dinner and then to the Paul Cardall concert at the Abravenell hall. He had a heart transplant last september and he plays the piano. He had a celebration of life concert. It was so cool to be there and hear about his story. The heart support group that we are in had posters up in the foyer and Brennan was on one of them. We also met some really neat people there that have lost a baby or have a baby with a heart defect and it makes me thankful that we are not the only ones and we have people to talk to about this. It was so fun to get dressed up and go out with Randall. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Posted by
11:43 AM
Brennan and Jaidyn playing together. Never mind that my son is sitting in a purple chair. It is jaidyns. They are so funny to watch, we could sit there all day and laugh at what they do. In this picture Jaidyn is trying to eat Brennans fingers.
On Sunday we got home from church and Randall and I went up stairs to change and I thought Zoe would follow right behind us but she had something else in mind. When we came down this is how we found her. I guess nursery wore her out.
Posted by
11:37 AM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Rice Cereal!
Sorry the pictures are flipped. Tonight we fed Brennan his first rice cereal. He did so good with it. He didn't spit very much out and he kept wanting more. With Zoe she spit all of it out the first time but Brennan really liked it. He wasn't sure what to do with it but he didn't complain.
Posted by
11:42 PM
Random pics!
Brennan is 4 months old today. He is for sure Randalls little boy. They look like twins. Randall calls him his Minny Me. Time sure has flown by with him and it seems like his surgery was so long ago. He is doing so good. His oxygen levels are constantly at 96 so that is really good. He is almost about to roll over, we are working with him everyday. I can't believe how big he is getting. He is not an infant anymore and that seems so crazy. Soon he will be running around with Zoe.
Yesterday I took Zoe to the mall with Jocelyn and Stratton. We got corn dogs and did some shopping and also let them play on the rides.
Posted by
11:34 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Zoes room!
Posted by
10:53 PM